Tuesday, 15 March 2011

You have confirmed that I am the luckiset person alive. You are a sweet, darling man and I love you very much. With you I can do everything and bear anything. I will try to keep my chin up and believe that everything will turn out alright. Look after yourself.
Yours always.


  1. Other men said they have seen angels,
    But I have seen thee
    And thou art enough.
    ~ by G. Moore ~

    [Hope upper saying by G. Moore would convey what you are for me.]

    What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

    [This is what I believe and confirm you that what lies between us is the most precious, i.e. love]

    I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion -
    I have shudder'd at it.
    I shudder no more.
    I could be martyr'd for my religion
    Love is my religion
    And I could die for that.
    I could die for you.
    ~ by John Keats ~

    [my fav poet]

  2. I think it is Havington Hall
