Tuesday, 1 March 2011

I am settled for a good nights sleep. Hopefully you are sleeping now too and if not you should be.
I love you.
Thinking of you. Watching Due South. I hope you are sleeping with your new hair do.
Noticed this and thought of you. Look what you have to look forward to.
Did I mention that I have eaten the apple? I might even be tempted to have another. So much for five fruit and veg a day.
Going to eat. Can't cook! Won't cook!
6:23 pm
Hi honey. Just a few tears this morning. Thinking of you. Glad to hear that your mom and sister are taking you in hand i.e. the hair. Maybe by the time I see you again you will also have given birth to the twins. Two years is the longest gestation period for a human that I have ever heard of. Still I love you just the way you are.
It has been a long day at work and I have tried not to panic over what is to come in the next few weeks. It all gets done but sometimes it is extremely embarrassing when you have forgotten something.

I hope the people who remember you and have seen you again don't think that your marriage to me has taken too much of a toll on your dashing good looks and your physique. After all you were 6ft  and had a button nose before you met me.

Before Marriage                                                                       After Marriage