Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Our poetic battle

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
N you are mew mew

Roses are red
A is blue
He needs a smack in the kisser

Roses are red
Violets are blue
To Pakistan I will bring your shoe

Roses are red
Onions make you cry
To talk about your bits you are very shy

N is Red
A is blue
I am thirst
She is dew

Roses are Red
A is a biwi
Does that mean he is a she?

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You are my eyes
You are my view

Roses are red
A has short legs
I wont forget soon that he bought my mom pegs

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am not she
I am he
You have to go to doctor for your brain review

Roses are red
A's brain has less
He is a she always wearing a dress

Roses are red
A has a tummy
Has he forgotten he will soon be a mummy

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Congrats! on receiving money in IPhone's lieu

Roses are red
Violets are blue
How is the garden from window's view?

Roses are red
A violet is blue
The garden is empty without you
Of course at this time of night you have only got 18 days to wait. It's been a bad day today - missing you. I have had a few tears at work. Feeling sorry for myself when there are so many others in a worse position. I should keep that in mind when I am weeping.

19 days to go