Hello only me. A has gone to get his passport. I am here waiting for visitors. I'm not sure the impression I am having on A's family is a good one. It feels a little awkward with out him here and he still hasn't gone yet. The flight over was uneventful. The electricity goes off for an hour at a time throughout the day. It is noisy outside people chatting, cars, horns etc and the birds are really giving it some. The call to prayer happens 5 times a day in the mosque opposite the house and the echoes from other mosques in the vicinity compete with it. In the style of dad I have jumbled together vaguely connected points in this post just to show you the tradition is not dead. As I arrived there was a shower of rose petals from the balcony onto us both. A had died his hair and most of his head too. He was sooooo nervous. Bed very comfortable and a good size. Having plenty of liquids. I have settled in straight away in terms of using the loo though some instruction was needed - and to think I've been pooing from a very early age but not quite expert enough. No Mosquitos as yet. Bath in what can be described a very large washing up bowl. A heated the water.